
Custom Windows - The Highlight Of Your Interior

It is hard to imagine any living room with no windows. The windows give us light, warmth and fresh air.

We are all accustomed to the fact that the window - it's a square hole in the wall, which is inserted into the glass and frame. But if you look at the windows on the other hand, we can see that the window is not only light, making our home warm and cozy, but also a tremendous opportunity to make the interior of the apartment unusual or even unique.

Believe me, that screen can easily become the highlight of your home that will make its design unique. And the question here is not about the curtains, cornices and other elements of decor, we are talking about the windows themselves.
Earth through the porthole.

If you want to make your interiors stood out for its originality in a thousand is not necessarily to spend millions on all sorts of fancy gizmos - enough to make your window opening is not rectangular, and round, for example. Is no standard solution will give the interior of your apartment that strangeness, of which you dreamed.

Even more successful is this experiment, if your home is located above the third floor - the view from this window will attract more your eyes. Hide this window for curtains, of course, should not, on the contrary, it should be put on display, and all sorts of ways to emphasize its beauty.
Will look bad next to the window so all kinds of glass shelves on which you can place the different things that are dear to your heart.

From floor to ceiling.

So many people like, for example, so-called French windows. The French have used to call the window from floor to ceiling, that is almost an entire wall. So far, unfortunately, not everyone can afford to put all their ideas, and to see these windows, we used more in the series about the good life than in our daily lives, but progress does not stand still, and very soon in Russia these windows will no longer be a rarity.

At first glance this may seem to many a window is not practical (it will be cold in winter and in summer, on the contrary, it's hot), but only at first glance. In fact, the main thing to think well, to invite a good specialist for consultation and the necessary calculations, and, of course, order a good quality window. Of course, on the ground floor of an ordinary high-rises such a window may cause some discomfort (May be feeling that you always somebody watching), but for the last floors of the French window can be a wonderful solution. I think not to say that the window opening from floor to ceiling will give your house a lot of light, due to which the room visually increase.
Properly made ​​out a window is bound to become a major part of your interior. If your apartment is located in one of the top floors of flats, you can not afford zashtorivat window at all. If, however, with the windows open you feel uncomfortable, then you can hang the curtains are very light, heavy and dark here categorically will not do, otherwise, why make such a window, then if it hide?

Stained-glass window - the solution is not for everyone.

How can look stained-glass window? Do not find an answer to this question? Then imagine a glass picture. Now imagine that your window and there is this picture. I wonder, is it? It should say that today, stained glass back into fashion, because a picture from pieces of colored glass looks really elegant.

But the stained-glass window perfectly fit not in every interior. This box should be a continuation of some stories, the story that tells your decor. The fact that the stained-glass window is one of the oldest works of art, and thus the interior of your apartment should be in this style. But if you invite a designer (professional of his craft), and told him about his idea, he must invent a story for your interior and the main hero of this history will be stained-glass window. Even more interesting is the window is, if it is, for example, an arched shape. In general, here is where your imagination roam.

Summing up, we can say that today there are just lots of ways to make your interiors interesting and unusual. The main thing that did not pass the border that separates the elegance and beauty of the ridiculous lack of taste. So you'd better not take the money and invite your interior designer to help you realize all your ideas. Good luck to you!

original source uhouse.ru

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