
The Cozy Bedroom

Many dream of having in his apartment separate bedroom. Often the room in which the majority of our compatriots spend the night, is both a living room or even a single room in an apartment. I was lucky, and I zaimel room, which has decided to organize a bedroom.

The ceilings in the apartment high and 2.9 meters, so clearly was preferred traction ceiling. Height reduced to not much, only about 5 inches. I chose a white matte material, and not mistaken, the ceiling has turned out perfect. And modest chandelier in the color of the furniture, fit harmoniously into the interior.

Furniture was selected in the classical style. Solid polished facade and huge mirrors cool right for the bedroom. The main element of bedroom furniture is a bed! Here, I decided not to save money and choose the bed a little wider with a good mattress. This luxurious bed decided to put in the center of the window. Next set is not large side tables. First, how easy it is for the set, but then felt that it was simply a necessary attribute of a bedroom. It contains all the necessary detail, including the charger to the phone, glasses, favorite books, and so on.

Dresser, and closet were selected volume and capacity - not like when things are hanging on chairs. In such a case and drawers fit all my stuff, and clothes and linens.

To the furniture looked even more impressively, for pasting wallpaper the walls, I used a light beige color. It turned out not bad at all. But the big open areas of bright walls gave the room a kind of emptiness. To fill this void, I used the picture. I had one and three I bought, along with a clay vase. Vase perfectly complemented conceived interior, which has become a finished look.

For the comfort of the bedroom decided to put the TV. I had a small TV, so I figured it out and use. In order not to clutter the surface of the dresser, TV snug is located on a shelf in a corner of the wall near the cabinet. Lying on the bed without straining your neck and eyes, it became possible to view their favorite programs.

On the floor I just spread a linoleum under the flooring. The blessing is now in its huge selection of shops to suit all tastes. He took no road home. Very practical in terms of cleaning and hygiene.

Curtains on the window, I decided not to hang up, and cost organza. Figure also picked up the pastel tones in combination with the furniture and wallpaper. By the way if we replace in organza curtains, then the general form change much. Who loves twilight, it might be worth it poveshat curtains.

original source uhouse.ru

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