
Memory Jar Lamps…Shhh They're Christmas Gifts For My Daughters!

I have been wanting to make these memory jar lamps for both my daughters for a long time now. Courtney is living in her own apartment and Kelsie is working in Disney World, so the house is free to make things and put together gifts without anyone seeing them. I just have to keep them away from this blog and my facebook page. Lol

Do you remember this post I did a long time ago about hardware storage drawers? Click HERE if you want to visit that post. We bought these drawers for each of the girls when they were little to keep all their memorabilia and collectibles in.

memory jar lamps

Tooth Fairy money and the notes they wrote to her when they lost a tooth…

Collectibles from Disney trips and the ever popular rock and gem stone collection.

The memories in those drawers and the things I have saved for them too over the years are now in here!!!

A Memory Jar Lamp!!!

memory jar lamps

I bought both girls a fillable lamp at Target for $25.00 each. No lampshade though and boy are lampshades pricey.

memory jar lamps

Come on in a take a walk down memory lane with me…

I also have another idea if you don't want to use a lamp.


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