Wood Valance For Minimalist House
Wood valance is useful to covering your window and give an attractive impression. There are some considerations that you should consider to make the window that can enhance your room. For a room with a minimalist concept, the window is arguably the most important thing because the house is minimalist in general have limited space, so you need to design a minimalist room window properly and appropriately so that every room that is in your house looks so nice and bright.
Designing the Wood Valance
A cute wood valance can make your window more attractive. Minimalist windows usually do not have a shape that is too diverse. It has standard shape such as plain rectangular box or in the form of separate units with a trellis pattern. Colour sills and railings are usually similar and have soft or dark colours such as like white, black, gray, brown or dark brown.
The advantage to have a big window is you can get more sources of sunlight and fresh air. The sunlight will make you save electricity during the day because of the sunlight coming through the window. Besides that, the condition of the house is also healthy because it is not moist and smooth circulation of air in and out, which replaces carbon dioxide in your home with oxygen from the beautiful trees in the garden outside.
Minimalist window would looks more beautiful by adding some tool window coverings. You can decorate your windows with various models of window coverings such as curtains with lace trimmings on it. This curtain can protect you from total stinging sunlight. You also can put a couch near the window of your minimalist home, so that when the early morning or late afternoon, you can relax enjoying the view outside the house while drinking tea or reading your favourite book.